Hey, I'm Eric from Clayton at Monash Uni.!
I was last active on StudentVIP 8 hours ago.
Member since: Jul 29, 2008
Eric's Textbooks
- Art-isan with CD-ROM
- Art-iculate with CD-ROM
- Management
- Top Tips for IELTS Academic Paperback with CD-ROM
- Immunology
- Plazas: Lugar de encuentros
- All You Wanted to Know about Mathematics But Were Afraid to Ask
- Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society
- The Globalization of World Politics
- Oxford Politics Study Dictionary
- Maestro
- Rogue Forces
- The Thin Time: A memoir of grief, loss, and hope
- The Fail Safe
- Financial Accounting Theory
- International Financial Management
- Multinational Businesss Finance
- Management Accounting: Information for Managing and Creating Value
- CPA Review Auditing
- Living Lingo
- Android 移动开发案例教程
- The Unmotivated Child
- Slide:ology
- Intermediate Financial Accounting
- Illustrator's Figure reference manual
- Entrepreneurial Finance
- Chemistry3
- Making It Up
- The Enchanted Wood
- Oxford Australian Curriculum Atlas
- Artists Around the World (Britannica Learning Library)
- Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students
- Little Women
- Simply Harmonica Instant Master Class book
- Piraty Karibskogo Moria. Mertvetsy Ne Rasskazyvaiut Skazki.
- Before the Coffee Gets Cold
- Funky Things to Draw
- 朗文当代高级英语辞典
- 현대한영사전(중,영) 外硏社.現代漢英詞典(新版)(CD 포함)
- A Song of Ice and Fire
- 做了这本书
- Physics
- Justice and Outcomes VCE Legal Studies Unit 3&4 Student book + obook assess
- Cambridge Checkpoints VCE Physics Units 3&4
- A+ Physics Exam VCE Units 3 & 4
- CSM VCE Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4
- I'm a Joke and So Are You
- Spy Glass
- PP0209 Microeconomics: Case Studies and Applications
- Heinemann VCE Zone
- Heinemann VCE Zone
- The Art of Happiness
- Holidays in Hell
- Greeniology
- New Idea Animal Lovers Colouring Book
- Aussie Rules For Dummies
- How to Say It, Third Edition