Hey, I'm Erica from Caulfield at Monash Uni.!
I was last active on StudentVIP 3 months ago.
Member since: Feb 13, 2019
Erica's Textbooks
- Doing Research in Social Work and Social Care
- Social Work Practice
- Toseland
- SPSS Survival Manual A step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS
- Discovering Statistics Using SPSS 3ed
- The Handbook of Student Skills
- Australia's Welfare Wars
- Social Work
- Child Protection and the Care Continuum
- Understanding Human Development
- Social Work Practice in Health
- Concise Rules of APA Style
- Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
- Study Guide for Use with Psychology
- Abnormal Pyschology
- Penguin Dictionary of Psychology: Penguin Reference Library
- The Psychologist's Companion
- Sensation and Perception
- Development Through the Lifespan
- Child Development
- Psychological Testing