Hey, I'm Dereje from Acton at ANU! My studies are in Education and Other.
I was last active on StudentVIP 2 days ago.
Member since: Feb 21, 2015
Dereje's Textbooks
- A Guide to Business Law
- Principles of Economics
- Commercial Law - Second Edition
- Fundamentals of Social Research
- Industrial Relations in Australia
- Business Driven Information Systems
- Accounting
- Introduction to Employment Relations Pearson Original
- Auditing and Assurance Services
- Case Management
- The Five C's of Cinematography
- All Systems Go
- Administrative Office Management
- Communication and Cultural Literacy An introduction
- Creative Economics
- Rethinking Public Service Delivery
- Teaching Middle Years Rethinking curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
- The Academic Achievement Challenge
- Working in the Financial Services Industry
- Introduction to Employment Relations Pearson Original
- Macroeconomics
- Principles of Economics
- Human Resource Management
- CogLab Manual with Printed Access Card for Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience, 3rd
- Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
- Issues, Indicators and Ideas
- Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction
- Microeconomics
- SIS11 Information Methods Custom Book Source Books, please see text
- International and Comparative Employment Relations Globalisation and change
- Culture and Education
- Marketing: A Practical Approach, BSB07
- Information Technology Project Management
- Organisational Change: Development and Transformation Asia Pacific Edition
- The Australian Economy: Your Guide
- Living Lingo
- Experiencing MIS
- Learning Connections in Primary Schools, 2e
- Making a Difference
- Micro Economics
- Globalising Government Business Relations
- Humanitarian Logistics
- ISBN Review
- Marketing Management Pearson International Edition Global Edition
- Financial Institutions Management
- Accounting: an Introduction
- Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response
- Auditing and Assurance Services
- Politics One
- The Oxford Handbook of Public Management
- The Management of Technological Innovation
- Public Management and Administration
- Understanding Company Law
- Organisation Development and Change
- Introduction to reference work
- Understanding the European Union
- Introduction to Information Systems
- Company Accounting
- Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making 3E B&w Custom Publication for Charles Sturt University (Titles Accounting 1 Custom)
- Learn Basic Library Skills
- The Economics of Recreation, Leisure & Tourism
- Studying At A Distance
- Auditing and Assurance Services
- Leadership
- Economics
- Microeconomics
- Talking Policy How social policy is made
- Challenging Global Inequality
- Human Resource Management
- Human Resource Management
- Principles of Marketing
- Digital Marketing cp
- The Australian Economy: Your Guide
- Organisational Behaviour
- Employment Relations
- Teaching Studies of Society and Environment in the Primary School
- Reading in the Primary School Years
- Communication for Business Custom Book Source Books - see text
- International Strategic Management (BUS13020)
- Management
- Basic Business Statistics (Australia) Digital Access Code Supplement
- Employment Relations
- Understanding Health
- Corporations Legislation 2016
- New Media Worlds
- Human Resource Development
- Business Law 3e
- Nuclear Weapons the State of Play 2015
- An Introduction to International Relations
- Communicating Politics in the Twenty-First Century
- Microeconomics
- Principles of Australian Equity and Trusts
- Leadership in Organizations
- Marketing 2E
- Advertising
- MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration, Exam #70-646
- Strategy and Human Resource Management
- Understanding Australian Accounting Standards 1E
- Microeconomics
- Writing Guide for the Social Science
- Sociology: A Down To Earth Approach
- International Business: the new realities (Australasian edition)
- Business Finance
- Business Communication
- Sustainability in Australian Business
- Accounting : Information for Business Decisions Revised Edition
- Leadership
- Understanding Global Strategy
- Understanding Business Law, 6th Edition
- Moral Issues in Business with Student Resource Access 12 Months
- Heinemann Biology 2 Enhanced Student Book 4th Edition
- Cost Accounting
- Integrated Marketing Communications : Third Asia Pacific Edition with Student Resource Access 12 Months
- Accounting
- Physics : Volume 2
- Pro Tools 101
- Science and Technology Education Custom Book Source Books - see text
- Teaching History, Geography and SOSE in the Primary School
- Biology in Context
- Business Finance
- Australian Commercial Law
- Making the Grade
- Selected Materials on Lawyers, Justice and Ethics
- Australian Migration Legislation Collection July 2016
- Sociology Australia
- Microeconomics : Case studies and applications
- Corporations Legislation 2016
- Public Sociology: An Introduction to Australian Society
- The Australian Way of Life
- Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 3E
- Understanding Australian Accounting Standards 1E
- Heyne
- International Marketing : Asia Pacific Edition
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- MGMT2: Asia Pacific Edition with Student Resource Access 12 Months
- Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications
- Principles of Microeconomics with Student Resource Access 6 Months
- Australian Sociology: A Changing Society
- Integrated Marketing Communications : Third Asia Pacific Edition with Student Resource Access 12 Months
- Microeconomics
- Advanced Management Accounting (Custom Edition)
- Business Reporting and Analysis (Custom Edition)
- Advanced Management Accounting CB Source Books, please see Text
- Business Statistics
- Management Accounting
- Literacy for 21st Century
- Classic Readings and Contemporary Debates in International Relations
- International Law
- British Politics
- Understanding Health
- Economic Principles
- Child and Family-Centred Healthcare
- Binan Goonj 3e
- Legal Institutions and Method
- Financial Management (Australia)
- Principles of Marketing
- Business Ethics Custom Book Source Books, please see text
- Contemporary Accounting
- Understanding Company Law
- Teaching
- Basic Practice of Statistics and CDR
- Management
- Companies and Securities Law
- Torts
- A Short Introduction to Climate Change
- Australian Financial Accounting
- Accounting: an Introduction
- Financial Accounting Theory
- Accounting Theory 7E
- Commercial Applications of Company Law 2012
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- Macroeconomics 2E International Student Edition
- Financial Accounting 9E Binder Ready Version
- The Twentieth-century World and Beyond
- Financial Accounting: A Practical Approach
- Experiencing Management Information Systems
- CP0854- Problem Evaluation and Resolution
- Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management 2E
- Public Management and Administration
- Financial Institutions Management
- International Strategic Management
- Psychology & Life
- Microeconomics
- Management Accounting: Information for Managing and Creating Value
- Contemporary Management
- Introductory Chemistry
- Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications
- The Sorting Society
- A Mathematics Course for Political and Social Research
- Sport, Culture and Society
- Environment and Society
- Managing Human Resources
- MKTG 8
- Financial Management (Australia)
- Essential Environment
- Business Statistics
- Environment
- Managerial Statistics
- Services Marketing
- Economics: IB Study Guide
- Microeconomics
- Dance and Drama in Education
- Study Guide to Accompany Economic Principles
- LexisNexis Questions and Answers
- Writing Guidelines for Business Students
- Electrical Engineering Pearson International Edition - Mechanical Version
- CFA Program Curriculum: Corporate finance and portfolio management
- CFA Program Curriculum: Equity and fixed income
- CFA Program Curriculum: Derivatives and alternative investments
- Business Law for University of Canberra
- Understanding Business Law, 6th Edition
- International Law
- Global Business Today
- Marketing: A Practical Approach, BSB07
- Value Pack Marketing: Real People Real Choices + MyMarketingLab with eText
- Social Policy for Social Change
- Financial Institutions Management
- Accounting: A Framework for Decision Making
- Australasian Business Statistics 3E Core Concepts
- Consumer Protection Law in Australia
- Diversity at Work
- How to Moot
- Study Guide to Accompany Economic Principles, 2nd Edition by Jackson, McIver & Bajada
- Study Guide to Accompany Economic Principles, 2nd Edition by Jackson, McIver & Bajada
- Principles of Microeconomics
- Business Law
- Federal Constitutional Law
- Chronic Illness and Disability
- Teaching And Learning In Aboriginal Education
- Training in Australia
- An Introduction to Public Relations
- Communication Skills Handbook 3E
- Australian Torts Law - 2nd ed.
- Strategic Management
- International Marketing
- Marketing Strategy
- Comparative Politics of the Third World
- Auditing and Assurance Services in Australia
- Management and Organisations Custom Book Source Books - see text
- Complete Economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O Level (Complete Series Igcse)
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- International Human Resource Management
- Matter and Interactions 3E
- International Marketing
- Connecting with Computer Science
- Research in Nursing
- Advertising Account Planning
- An Invitation to Social Research : How It's Done
- Equity and Trusts
- Cases and Materials for Principles of Administrative Law
- Principles of Administrative Law
- What Is Sociolinguistics
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6ed
- The Little Book of Style
- Writing Research Papers
- Principles of Marketing (Aus)
- Living Drama
- ORGB 4
- Management
- International and Comparative Employment Relations
- International Law in World Politics
- Business Administration and Supervision
- Understanding Australia's Neighbours
- Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning
- Language and Learning
- Communicating in the 21st Century
- CUST Intro Phils and Theo in Cath Lib Edu
- Essentials of Abnormal Psychology (with Psychology CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card)
- New Keywords
- Human Anatomy And Physiology
- Advertising: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective
- Introduction to the Human Body
- Government and Democracy in Australia
- Early Modern Europe, 1450-1789
- Annotated Criminal Legislation New South Wales 2016-2017
- Dispute Resolution in Australia
- Criminal Laws in Australia
- Nursing for Public Health: Promotion, Principles and Practice
- Financial ACCT : Asia-Pacific Edition with Student Resource Access for 12 Months
- Chemistry
- Strategic Marketing
- Macroeconomics
- Anatomy and Human Movement,Structure and function with PAGEBURST Access,6
- Desigh and Technology for Children
- Teaching Society and Environment
- Contemporary Strategy Analysis Text and Cases 7E
- Meeting the Globalisation Challenge
- Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value, Global Edition
- Case Studies in Epilepsy
- Bricklaying Level 3 Diploma
- The Science Of Politics
- Global Issues
- Global and International Studies : An Introduction
- Operations and Process Management
- Communication in Nursing
- Australian Taxation Study Manual: Questions and Suggested Solutions, 20th Edition
- SI Chemical Data
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6ed
- A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
- Clinical Psychomotor Skills
- Fundamentals of Nursing (Aus)
- Kozier and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing: Unit 6. Integral aspects of nursing ; Unit 7. Assessing health ; Unit 8. Integral components of client care
- Kozier and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing: Unit 1. The nature of nursing ; Unit 2. Contemporary health care ; Unit 3. The nursing process ; Unit 4. Health beliefs and practices ; Unit 5. Lifespan development
- Second Opinion
- Mental Health in Australia
- Psychology for Health Professionals
- The Refugee in International Law
- Resilient Sustainable Cities
- Drug Use and Australian Society
- Practical Legal Skills
- Women and the Law in Australia
- Moral Issues in Business with Student Resource Access 12 Months
- Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
- Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Vol 1
- Organic Structures From Spectra 5E
- Study Guide to Accompany Psychology, 3rd Australian & New Zealand Edition
- An Introduction to Sociolinguistics
- Human Resource Management
- Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Vol3, Ch 36-44
- Feature Writing
- Research Methods for Media and Communication
- Macroeconomics
- Civil Procedure
- Biological Psychology
- Statistics Without Maths for Psychology
- Proteins
- Australian Criminal Justice
- Chemistry
- Psychology
- Chemistry3
- Biology
- Politics in Australia
- Theories of Personality
- Exercise Physiology
- The Rights of Refugees under International Law
- Textbook on Immigration and Asylum Law
- Teaching English Language Learners in Mainstream Classes
- Laying Down the Law - 8th Edition
- An Invitation to Environmental Sociology 4ed
- Social Research Methods
- Australian Intellectual Property
- An Unruly Child
- Butterworths Questions and Answers: Torts
- Australian Constitutional Law and Theory
- International Dispute Settlement
- Principles of Criminal Law
- Civil Procedure OÂe Commentary and Materials, 6th Edition
- Hanks' Australian Constitutional Law: Materials and Commentary, 9th Edition
- Australian Corporations Legislation
- Global Politics
- Uniform Evidence Law
- The Federal Judicature: Chapter III of the Constitution
- Contemporary Political Philosophy
- Lawyers in Australia
- Political Theory
- Sustainability and Change in Rural Australia
- Political Ideologies
- Power, Politics, and Organizational Change
- Butterworths Questions and Answers: Constitutional Law - Third Edition
- Juvenile Justice
- Inclusion in Action with Student Resource Access 12 Months
- Business Research Methods (with Qualtrics Printed Access Card)
- A Globalizing World?
- Biological Psychology
- Sociology
- Essentials of Abnormal Psychology
- Looking Forward Through the Lifespan
- Psychology and Life
- The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Global Pearson International Edition
- Management of Information Security
- International Human Resource Management
- A+ Guide to Managing & Maintaining Your PC
- Foundations of Finance
- International Law and International Relations
- Consumer Protection Law in Australia
- Bluett's Local Government Handbook New South Wales
- International History of the Twentieth Century and Beyond
- Global Issues
- Matter and Interactions 3E
- Business Economics
- Abnormal Psychology
- Routledge International Handbook of Critical Mental Health
- Ethics and Technology Controversies Questions and Strategies for Ethical Computing
- 48321 Engineering Mechanics
- Health: The Basics Pearson International Edition
- An Introduction to Sociolinguistics
- Cases and Materials on International Law
- Uniform Evidence Law
- Research Methods: Pearson New International Edition
- Advanced Human Nutrition
- Teaching Language in Context
- Punishment and Sentencing
- Introduction to Forensic and Criminal Psychology
- Indigenous Legal Issues
- Situational Crime Prevention: Successful Case Studies (2nd edition)
- Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis
- Doing research in the real world
- A History of Psychology
- Australian Criminal Justice
- Chronic Illness and Disability
- The Australian Carer
- Accounting
- Managing Human Resources 4E
- Reconstructing Maths understanding
- The International Law of the Sea
- Information Technology Project Management
- Essential Clinical Skills
- Introduction to Global Politics
- Research for Social Workers An introduction to methods
- Reading and Creating
- Senior English Skills Builder Student Book + obook/assess
- Marketing Australia
- An Introduction to the Law of Contract
- Introduction to Law
- Media & society
- Accounting
- Essentials of Economics