• 417 UOW Health textbooks
  • 33 UOW Health tutors
  • 200 UOW Health ratings and reviews

Latest activity on Health subjects at Wollongong...

SHS 110

Great subject if you are interested in Nutrition and the human body. This subject motivated me to li...

9 years ago

SHS 111

Really enjoyed this subject, definitely a lot of content but going to PASS where you get hints upon...

9 years ago


The content of the subject is a little dry, but the ethical debates are very interesting, especially...

10 years ago


Fantastic subject, great diversity in the subject matter and a lot of latitude for assessment questi...

10 years ago


Interesting if you've not done any other psyc subjects. If not it's pretty redundant content wise.

10 years ago

SHS 150

Subject coordinator Anne McMahon is an amazing lecturer, so attend all lectures to benefit the most...

10 years ago


Make study notes for tutorials to aid revision as the exam is based heavily on tutorial content. Als...

10 years ago


Material jumps around alot. The final exam content, the majority of answers are found in 103 lecture...

10 years ago


Alot of content, important to do revision or summary books each week, it is much more productive whe...

10 years ago


Interesting subject, there's online practice exams at UOW for the final that I highly recommend doin...

10 years ago


Lots of content but stay on top and you'll be fine. If you are at UOW do the 'In a nutshell' questio...

10 years ago


A fantastic, eye opening intro to this major area of study. Course coordinator/lecturer was sensatio...

10 years ago


This is quite difficult and random but none the less it was an ok subject

10 years ago


This is a challenging but interesting and relevant subject

10 years ago


This subject is thought-provoking and I enjoyed the ethical debates. It will be interesting to see h...

10 years ago


I found 101 to be a quite unhelpful and boring subject. The content was made up of common knowledge...

10 years ago


A very bad subject, would never have chosen it as an elective. This subject seemed very useless to m...

10 years ago


It's a very good subject, easy to learn

10 years ago


It was a good subject, but the tutor was very slow and boring.

10 years ago


The subject coordinator was particularly slow, and useless.

10 years ago


Found this subject interesting but overall too intense. I felt like I was expected to already many p...

10 years ago


Not enough support, guidance or even education - it felt like I was being assessed on things I hadn'...

10 years ago

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