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MoMo to PoMo (2020): H1 COURSE NOTES (In-Class Test)

Comprehensive set of H1 revision notes (2020) for In-Class test, featuring: 1. Detailed lecture n...

43 pages, 12815 words

momo to pomo exam prep

This is a detailed note that covers all 23 lectures. Includes: - easy-to-understand summary of KEY...

47 pages, 7997 words


Comprehensive set of H1 revision notes (2020), featuring: 1. Detailed lecture notes 2. Summaries o...

196 pages, 48470 words

ARCH20003 Momo to Pomo L1-8 Summary Tables

These clear and concise summary tables cover Lectures 1-8, making it a very helpful resource for the...

5 pages, 3626 words

[Momo to Pomo]: H1 Exam Notes

This H1 Exam notes covered ALL lectures with ADDITIONAL INFORMATION from required readings and Moder...

50 pages, 9789 words

Modern Architecture - Lecture and Reading Notes

Extremely detailed notes taken over two or more viewings of each lecture, as well as reading summari...

68 pages, 46903 words


$1 per hour

Dean's Honours Master of Architecture and Construction Management from the University of Melbourne,...


An interesting subject however there was just way, way too much content to function, especially if taken concurrently with other architecture subjects. If you watch/attend the lectures before the exam revision document is released you find yourself bogged down by the sheer amount of content which turned a 1hr lecture into a 3hr note taking session. The tutorials were also somewhat irrelevant to overall marks in the subject as although discussions were interesting, they usually focused on a small topic from the lectures rather than a broader discussion more relevant to the course as a whole. The essay due in Week 9 was also a bit of a mess with the COVID online delivery, as many of the essay topics weren't discussed in detail in the lectures and there was no access to the University library. Many of the necessary material to write these essays was in hard copy and/or inaccessible without paying $70 plus, so I would highly recommend purchasing the subject recommended reference book as it saved my ass! The exam this semester was highly focused on critical analyses rather than the more simple responses/recognition required for Global Foundations of Design, however I'm not sure if this is due to the open book format as a response to online delivery or the usual format. I would highly recommend taking detailed notes on the weekly readings, as these provided insight into key architectural movements and more philosophical and/or detailed analyses which were helpful for the exam. The teaching staff were extremely personable and truly cared for the students, making every concerted effort for submission allowances (within reason), technical difficulties with the online delivery and constantly monitoring discussion boards and emails. I found this particularly enjoyable as in a lot of subjects in the Bachelor of Design, the staff can be very standoffish and distant. I wouldn't recommend this subject as a breadth unless you really love modern architecture and have some architectural/historical knowledge as the essays and tests/exams require architectural vocabulary and analysis you only really learn through studios. That being said, if you're a Bachelor of Design student, definitely look forward to it as despite the heavy content, it remains super relevant to architectural practice and provides a solid foundation for further exploration.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Fascinating stuff but way too much content to wade through. Hope you’re a boss at writing essays as it’s the only way to do well :(

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

Best history subject in ABP undergrad course!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Very interesting and inspirational

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Interesting and well taught content

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018