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  • 2,673 subject notes at UniMelb
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The latest notes at University of Melbourne...

Property - Comprehensive Checklist

UniMelb LAWS50030 - Property

For Semester 1, 2019


H1 Comprehensive International Politics Study Notes, Neatly organized

UniMelb INTS10001 - International Politics

For Semester 2, 2020


NEUR30003 H1 (90%) Notes (Part 2)

UniMelb NEUR30003 - Principles of Neuroscience

For Semester 1, 2019


PSYCH30014 Lecture Summaries (4-12)

UniMelb PSYC30014 - The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life

For Semester 1, 2018


H1 AUS POL NOTES(lecture, readings, tutorials, PASS)

UniMelb POLS10001 - Australian Politics

For Semester 1, 2020


Legal Language (LAWS20008) readings notes

UniMelb LAWS20008 - Legal Language

For Semester 1, 2019


FOOD20003 Food Chemistry, Biology, and Nutrition (H1:95) Mid-Semester Test Notes

UniMelb FOOD20003 - Food Chemistry, Biology And Nutrition

For Semester 1, 2019


MOMO TO POMO 2018 In-class Test Flashcards

UniMelb ABPL30050 - Modern Architecture: MoMo to PoMo

For Semester 1, 2018


Biological Psychology Exam Revision Questions

UniMelb PSYC20006 - Biological Psychology

For Semester 1, 2019


PSYC 20008 Exam Revision Questions

UniMelb PSYC20008 - Developmental Psychology

For Semester 1, 2018


Exceptional notes for the Cardiovascular Block of MD1 from H1 (84) student

UniMelb MEDS90001 - Foundations Of Biomedical Science

For Semester 2, 2017


ANAT30007: Human Locomotor Systems Clear and Detailed H1 Notes 2016

UniMelb ANAT30007 - Human Locomotor Systems

For Semester 1, 2016


H1 Remedies Exam Structure

UniMelb LAWS50036 - Remedies

For Semester 2, 2016


Easy 29page summary notes for ISYS90032

UniMelb ISYS90032 - Emerging Technologies and Issues

For Semester 1, 2018


2018 S2 PHYC10008 Notes

UniMelb PHYC10008 - From the Solar System to the Cosmos

For Semester 2, 2018


MAST20009 - Vector Calculus Notes

UniMelb MAST20009 - Vector Calculus

For Semester 1, 2018



UniMelb ABPL30041 - Construction Design

For Semester 1, 2021


40+ pages of detailed ISYS90050 Summary!!

UniMelb ISYS90050 - IT Project and Change Management

For Semester 1, 2017


(H1 82) Philosophy, Politics and Economics Lecture Notes

UniMelb UNIB10014 - Philosophy, Politics and Economics

For Semester 2, 2020


UNIB10006 - Critical Thinking With Data Notes

UniMelb UNIB10006 - Critical Thinking With Data

For Semester 1, 2018


PSYC10003 Subject Notes

UniMelb PSYC10003 - Mind, Brain & Behaviour 1

For Semester 1, 2020


H1 History Notes (readings, lectures, PASS, tutorials)

UniMelb HIST10012 - The World Since World War II

For Semester 1, 2020


NEUR30003 H1 (90%) Notes (Part 1)

UniMelb NEUR30003 - Principles of Neuroscience

For Semester 1, 2019


H1 (91) Notes for BIOM30002: Molecule to Malady

UniMelb BIOM30002 - Biomedicine: Molecule to Malady

For Semester 1, 2018


UniMelb notes by subject area: