
2nd Edition



Great for getting into the GAMSAT! Literacy Consultant Dr Trish Weekes has completed a thorough literacy review to ensure that learners are even more supported in this edition with a greater use of visuals, increased scaffolding and clearer explanation of key terms. A focus on Australian Innovations and Future Careers in STEM written to promote the importance of science in solving problems and expose students to exciting career opportunities. Questions offering a broader range of entry levels throughout the book. More focus on thinking, inquiring and research skills with a new Inquiry section at the end of each chapter. Fully reviewed and updated practical activities carried out by an experienced lab technician. All practical activities now align with revised school safety regulations and also utilise more readily available materials ensuring these activities are even more accessible. A greater range and variety of new practical activities featuring Student Designed Investigations and STEM activities. New STEM4Fun features also appear throughout, taking Science4Fun to a new level. A focus on scientific concepts and inquiry skills with opportunities to learn, investigate and practise these skills. A series of ‘Step up’ Chapters to prepare and launch students into senior science courses. The Year 10 student book features step up chapters on Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Each Student Book comes with Reader+, a digital version of the student book, available for both online and offline use.

29th March, 2018

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