- Subjects
- Creative
- 121 QUT Creative textbooks
- 15 QUT Creative tutors
- 159 QUT Creative ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Creative subjects at QUT...
May feel like a waste of time, but it's great for getting students to think about what they are goin...
10 years ago
Really interesting lectures with people experienced in the industry and a focus on where the fashion...
10 years ago
Content was excellent. Quality of recorded lectures sometimes not good enough for when classes need...
10 years ago
Awesome subject. Jo is very lenient and there is basically 0% chance of failing. Each week created g...
10 years ago
Enjoyable subject with lots of interesting facts and film excerpts. The lecturer was quite a charact...
10 years ago
Really depends on your designing talent... my tutor does not give advices on how to refine the asses...
10 years ago
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