
Detailed notes that cover the University of Melbourne LAWS50032 course, including hypothetical frameworks for exam answers. The notes have been keep short intentionally. They are simply succinct and to the point. Notes that are 100+ pages in length are often unwieldy. Topics covered: - Statutory Interpretation - Commonwealth Judicial Review - Justiciability - Jurisdiction - Standing - Procedural Fairness - Acting without Power - Acting for an Improper Purpose - Relevant and Irrelevant Considerations - Unlawful and Inflexible Policies - Unreasonableness - Mistake as to Jurisdictional Fact - Error of Law - Remedies - Privative Clauses - Victorian Judicial Review - Human Rights Protections - Merits Review - Reasons


Semester 1, 2014

65 pages

22,800 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

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June 2015