
Extremely thorough but clear notes for easy application in mid-semester and final exam. Covers all topics for IP: Patents and Trade Marks course, usefully separated into notes for mid-semester exam (Trade Marks topic) and final exam (Patents topic) + additional essay notes for final exam with theory and rationales for all topics. These notes allowed me to achieve a high HD result (90) in IP: Patents and Trade Marks in Semester 1, 2024. Topics - Introduction to IP protection - Passing off + ACL s 18 - Registered trade mark system - Grounds of refusal (absolute + relative) - Trade mark infringement (elements, defences) - Exploitation and loss of trade mark rights - Introduction to patent protection - Patentable subject-matter - Patentability criteria (novelty, inventive step/obviousness, internal requirements) - Ownership of inventions - Exploitation of patent rights - Patent strategies - Infringement - Defences - Remedies - Alternative form of protection + other jurisdictions


Semester 1, 2024

76 pages

29,515 words



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