LAWS2385 Equity & Trusts HD Exam Notes (Perfect For Exams)
Subject notes for UNSW LAWS2385
List of Topics: - Introduction to equity & trusts - Overview of equitable remedies - Equitable property - Equitable remedies: specific performance & injunctions - Equitable fiduciary obligations - The law of assignment - Trusts : creation of a trust, breach of trust, trustee's rights and liabilities, variation and termination of trusts, defences to breach of trust, remedies for breach of trust - Accessorial liability to a breach of trust or fiduciary obligation (Barnes v Addy) - Tracing, following and claiming - Priorities - Money remedies in equity: equitable compensation & account of profits - Resulting trusts - Principles of equitable remedies/bars to equitable relief - Constructive trusts HIGHLY DETAILED PERFECT FORMAT FOR EXAMS
Term 3, 2024
151 pages
56,382 words