Property Law ANSWER GUIDE & notes – simply fill in the blanks on exams
Subject notes for Deakin MLP327
This document is designed to address both assessments – at the back of the document is a 20 page answer sheet for the exam – simply copy the italicised writing into your exam and replace the text in square brackets to whatever is in the facts. Reducing the work load for yourself by 99% and guaranteeing a HD. It is THAT easy! The rest of the document contains all the content provided for in both the lectures AND textbook – thus providing greater detail than other notes sold here. Perfect for answering the written assessment questions and saving you the hundreds of hours required to read and digest the content.
Trimester 1, 2024
157 pages
45,443 words
Deakin, Melbourne Burwood
Member since
August 2020
- Administrative Law ANSWER GUIDE & notes – simply fill in the blanks on exams
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- Commercial Law - 2nd highest grade (HD) - thousands of hours will be saved.
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