
This set of notes is what I took into the exam and what I based my response for hypothetical upon. I achieved a mark of 90 for this subject. The course structure of PPL was reorganised in semester 1 2024 and thus having a set of updated notes is very important. The note was organised according to the logical steps you should go through in a hypo, not just the order of topics taught in class. This involves linking, categorising, and grouping amongst different topics. For example, instead of discussing treaty interpretation and customary law separately, as was in class, I have linked them to the relevant articles in the VCLT and provided the case that best illustrates the application of the relevant rules. Topics included: - Sources of international law: customary international law - Sources of international law: the law of treaties - The organs of the UN - Human rights under international law - The protection of rights in Australia - Making and implementing treaties in Australia


Semester 1, 2024

24 pages

8,551 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

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October 2020