
I. PRINCIPLES/PERSONAL PROPERTY 2 A. Enforcement of Personal Property Rights 2 B. Relativity of Title 2 C. Estates 4 D. Abandonment of Title (also for land) 7 E. The objects of property 7 II. ISSUES OF POSSESSION 8 A. Losing and Finding 8 B. Fixtures (GL and Torrens) 11 C. Adverse possession of land (GL) 14 III. GENERAL LAW INTERESTS 19 A. Creation of Legal Interests (GL land) 19 B. Equitable Interests 19 IV. PRIORITY DISPUTES 25 Solving priority disputes: 25 A. GL land 25 B. Torrens Land 34 V. MORTGAGES 41 A. Creation of General Law Mortgages 41 B. Creation of Torrens Mortgages 42 C. Covenants and Remedies for Breach [GL & TORRENS] 42 D. Mortgagor's remedies for defective exercise of power of sale 48 VI. LEASES 52 A. Is there a lease? 53 B. What kind of lease? Requirements of form 54 C. Rights & Obligations of Lessor and Lessee 56 VII. INDEFEASIBILITY 59 A. Fraud Exception 60 B. Short term lease exception 62 C. Registrar’s power to correct 62 D. Inconsistent Statutes 64 E. Actions in Personam 64 F. Volunteers 66 VIII. CO-OWNERSHIP OF THE LAND 67 A. Joint tenancy 67 B. Tenancy in common 68 C. Rights of owners inter se (rights of one co-owner against other co-owners of the same land) 69 D. Bringing co-ownership to an end 71 E. Severance of a joint tenancy to create a tenancy in common 72


Semester 1, 2024

73 pages

30,641 words



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