CHEM10003 Chemistry 1 (H1 NOTES)
Subject notes for UniMelb CHEM10003
Ultimate notes for Chemistry 1! H1 Notes contents: - Gases I - Gases II - Atoms - Quantisation of Energy - Electrons as Waves - Atom Model - Periodic Table - Trends in the Periodic Table - Atom Bonding - Atom Bonding - Valence Bond Theory - Organic Chemistry - HaloAlkanes - Stereochemistry - Diastereomers and Meso Compounds - Cycloalkanes - Cycloalkanes II - Alkenes - Arenes - Functional Groups - Intermolecular Forces - Internal Energy - Enthalpy - Enthalpy Changes - Thermodynamics II - Entropy Changes - Gibbs Free Energy - Chemical Equilibrium - Chemical Equilibrium: Extent of Reaction & Gibbs Free Energy - Calculation - Acids and Bases - Titrations - Strengths of Acids and Bases - Solubility and Complexation
Semester 2, 2022
63 pages
18,809 words
UniMelb, Parkville
Member since
February 2022