
These notes were prepared in Sem 2, 2023, where the author achieved a final mark of 88% in Corporations Law. These notes cover everything you need to achieve the same score in the hypothetical components of the exam. Information from all the readings and tutorials has been condensed in an easy-to-apply manner. Topics covered include: Topic 1: Introduction to Companies and the Regulatory Scheme Topic 2: The corporate veil/insolvent trading Topic 3: Managing Companies Topic 4: Duties and Liabilities of Directors and Officers: Framework of Duties Topic 5: Duties to act in good faith in the interests of the company, and for proper purpose. Topic 6: Duty of care. Topic 7: Duty to prevent conflicts and profits Topic 8: Shareholder Actions: Personal Actions and Statutory Derivative Actions Topic 9: Corporate Liability Topic 10: Share Capital (not assessed in 2023)


Semester 2, 2023

50 pages

18,676 words


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