
BTC1110 requires clearly organised information so that it can be accessed with ease during assessments, and so that the relevant content becomes apparent when looking at new questions. This is the approach off of which these notes are based. The notes are detailed, as well as relevant and specific to the course. The understanding is clearly outlined as a result of questioning TAs and searching the Internet for concise explanations so that you won't need to do the searching yourself. The wording aligns with what the unit has taught is correct exam practice. The topics covered in each week are: 1. Introduction to the Law, Australian Legal System, and Legal Ethics. 2. Contract Law #1 3. Contract Law #2 4. Contract Law #3 5. Contract Law #4 6. Consumer Protection #1 7. Consumer Protection #2 8. Privacy 9. Torts (Negligence) #1 10. Torts (Negligence) #2 11. Business Organisations #1 12. Business Organisations #2


Semester 1, 2024

104 pages

48,369 words



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Monash, Clayton

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February 2021