MLP334 - Evidence Law (HD)
Subject notes for Deakin MLP334
Contains in-depth notes, case summaries and legislation summaries to help you ace Evidence Law! These notes were pivotal in helping me achieve a High Distinction in this subject. Contains notes from all lectures and seminars, as well as useful notes from external textbooks and resources! Topics covered: 1. Introduction to Evidence Law 2. Adducing Evidence 3. Adducing Evidence (Cont.) 4. Hearsay Evicence 5. Hearsay Exceptions 6. Opinion Evidence 7. Admissions 8. Tendency & Coincidence 9. Credibility and Character Evidence 10. Privileges 11. Review 12. In-depth exam revision (more in-depth than the entire lecture notes!)
Trimester 1, 2024
127 pages
33,709 words
Deakin, Melbourne Burwood
Member since
January 2021