
**Get these COMPREHENSIVE and UP-TO-DATE notes that cover everything you need for classes and exams** These notes are comprehensive course notes which cover theoretical and legal issues throughout the course. They are detailed and designed to help you synthesise the case law, statute law and readings. Covers the following topics: A. Principles of constitutional interpretation; ‘powers’ / ‘prohibitions’; characterisation / purposive – non-purposive powers / incidental powers / reading down / severance; distribution of legislative power in the Australian federation / the Engineers case; Trade and Commerce Power (s 51(i)) as a case study for applying the above principles B. Inconsistency (s 109) C. External Affairs Power (s 51(xxix)) D. Corporations Power (s 51(xx)) E. Race (s 51(xxvi)) F. Taxation (ss 51(ii), 55, 90) and Grants (s 96) G. The Defence Power (s 51(vi)) and the Doctrine in the Communist Party case H. Freedom of Interstate Trade and Intercourse (s 92). I. Implied Freedom of Political Communication. J. Intergovernmental Immunities.


Semester 1, 2024

132 pages

38,027 words



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