
High quality notes ! Struggling to keep up with the workload in BUSS2000? Looking for a way to make studying more efficient and less overwhelming? These notes are exactly what you need! I've meticulously compiled all the essential information from readings, lectures, and tutorials into one easy-to-read document. These notes are designed to simplify complex concepts and save you hours of study time. ✓ Concise and to the point ✓ Systematically organized ✓ Comprehensive coverage of all course materials TOPICS COVERED - Week 2: Individual differences - Week 3: Motivation and goal-setting - Week 4: Career goals, values & ethics - Week 5: Theme 1 in practice - Week 6: Diversity and culture - Week 7: Team and group processes - Week 8: Managing perceptions and conflict - Week 9: Theme 2 in practice - Week 10: Leadership, power and influence - Week 11: Communication and feedback - Week 12: Career sustainability: Managing relationships and stress


Semester 1, 2023

49 pages

18,363 words


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August 2022