
I received a HD in the final exam using this scaffold. It is condensed in a table that is easy to follow and perfect to take into an exam. It includes case summaries, examples of test applications, diagrams/flow charts, and key words/sentences to look for in exams that would trigger certain arguments, etc. Topics Covered: 1: Introduction 2: Merits Review 3: Judicial review of executive action: Introduction, jurisdiction of courts, amenability to review 4: Access to judicial review - standing 5: Judicial review of regulation-making 6: Procedural fairness: Implication 6: Procedural fairness: Content of the hearing rule 6: Procedural fairness: The rule against bias 7: Considerations, purposes, policies and representations 8. Unreasonableness 9. Errors of law and fact 10: Jurisdictional error and invalidity 11: Judicial review remedies 12: Case study - breach of statutory duty to give reasons 13: Restricting judicial review


Semester 1, 2023

16 pages

12,700 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

September 2021