
Case summaries provided for all required pre-readings. Facts are expressed simply but with all information provided to ensure it is easy to understand. Ratios are extrapolated in simple English. Full exam notes and a cheaper bundle containing exam notes and case summaries are also available. Search "LAWS1702 Law of Contracts II Exam Notes" or "LAWS1702 Law of Contracts II Exam Notes and Case Summaries" Topics include: Topics include: - Discharge by performance - Repudiation - Breach - Express or implied essentiality - Election - Termination - Specific performance - Injunctions - Equitable Damages - Theory of Damages - Assessment of Damages - Limits on Damages - Complications in Assessment - Penalties - Recission - Vitiating Factors - Misrepresentation - Misleading or Deceptive Conduct - Duress - Undue Imfluence - Unconscionable Dealing - Statutory Unconscionability - Third Party Impropriety


Semester 2, 2023

50 pages

13,522 words


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UQ, St Lucia

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January 2023

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