
Introduction to Torts 1 Trespass to the Person 5 Trespass to Land: The Legal Principles 12 Defences to Intentional Torts 16 Defence: Contributory Negligence 18 What is Private Nuisance 19 Private Nuisance: Material damage 23 Tort of Negligence 24 What does Duty of Care mean? 24 Statutes and Duty of Care 29 Negligence 30 Defences to Negligence 42 Illegal activity – Part 7 Division 1 CLA 48 Good Samaritans 48 61 Protection of volunteers 48 Civil Liability Act: 58C Protection of food donors 49 Mental Harm 49 Negligence – Pure Economic loss 52 Pure Economic loss – negligent acts 54 Statutory Authorities 54 Part 2 – Personal injury damages 61 Vicarious liability 67 Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 73


Semester 2, 2023

80 pages

30,511 words



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