
Complete notes including all the sections, rules and cases in the course outline including relevant Practice Notes. Jurisdiction: Local, District, Supreme Court, High Court Cross-Vesting and Matter transfers Initiating Civil Actions - Preliminary Discovery - Parties - Joinder of parties and causes Commencing Proceedings - Originating Process - Pleading Principles - Cross claims - Interpleader - Particulars - Admissions Service Obligation of Parties and Case Management Interlocutory Procedures - Notice of Motion - Notice to Produce / Discovery Inspection - Interrogatories - Amendments - Adjournments - Security for costs Urgent injunctions - Freezing Orders - Search Orders Default Judgement - Summary Disposal / Disposal - Other Forms of Disposal Costs - Offers of compromise - Calderbank - Settlements Expert Evidence Subpoenas & Notices to Produce at Trial - Evidence - Affidavits - Advocacy - Hearings / trials - Judgements Appeals Enforcement Alternative Dispute Resolution


Semester 1, 2024

150 pages

118,904 words



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