
HD 80% MLL330 Health Law Case Summaries + Notes (UPDATED FOR 2024 STUDY DESIGN) MLL330 recently updated its study design - implementing a more difficult take-home exam as the final assessment. MLL330 now focuses on case law and precedent in its exam, hence these notes and case summaries helped me achieve an HD Included are summaries of all the important and relevant information regarding each case in each topic. These cases are pulled directly from PowerPoint slides and the Textbook, therefore nothing will be missing. Week 1: Fundamentals of Health Law Week 2: Regulation of Health Professionals and Medical Confidentiality & Patient Privacy Week 3: Key Legal Principles of Consent to Medical Treatment Week 4: Specific Issues of Consent Week 4: Specific Issues of Consent - Children and Adults who lack Capacity Week 5: Pre-Conception: Assisted Reproductive Technology and Other Challenges Week 6: Pre-Conception: Controversies at the Beginning of Life Week 7: Controversies Towards the End of Life: Withholding or Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment from Adults and Children Week 8: Controversies Towards the End of Life: Voluntary Assisted Dying and Advanced Care Directives Week 9: Organ and Tissue Donation and Determination of Death


Trimester 3, 2023

17 pages

6,560 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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July 2021