ECON3236 Final exam notes week 1 - 12
Subject notes for UWA ECON3236
Detailed final exam notes for ECON3236. Include examples with working out. Includes cheat sheet with all formulas/equations. Covers the following topics: Week 1: NATIONAL INCOME ACCOUNTING & BALANCE OF PAYMENTS 2. WEEK 2: EXCHANGE RATES & FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES 3. WEEK 3: THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET 4. WEEK 4: THE MONEY MARKET 5. MONEY SUPPLY & EXCHANGE RATES: 6. Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) 7. A long run model of exchange rates Week 8: The DD-AA Model 9. Week 9: MACROECONOMIC POLICY: 10. Week 10. Central Bank Balance Sheet & Fixed Exchange Rates 11. Macroeconomic Policy under a fixed exchange rate
Semester 1, 2022
38 pages
11,136 words
UWA, Crawley
Member since
February 2020