
These HD notes were created and compiled for the Semester 2 2021 property B exam and comprehensively covers the LAW3402 course material. Each topic is clearly structured covering all the elements and potential issues that could appear in an exam. Therefore, these notes are practical, easy to understand and implement when answering exam questions. Additionally, all headings, subheadings and any references to other topics are linked, minimising the amount of scrolling throughout the document. All the relevant legislation provisions (in blue) are included in each topic and case references (in red) are provided for leading statements and factors. These notes also include case facts and what was held (in table format) for all the cases in the reading guide. Topics include: - Equitable Interests - Co-Ownership - Mortgages - Enforcement of Proprietary Interests and Torrens System - Indefeasibility of Title - Exception to Indefeasibility of Title - Unregistered Interests under the Torrens System Tip: these notes should be adapted for any changes in the course material (including recent cases) and personal preference in style and formatting. Best of luck for the unit!


Semester 2, 2021

73 pages

29,046 words


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Monash, Clayton

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January 2024