Administrative Law Summary Notes
Subject notes for ANU LAWS2201
Comprehensive and very detailed summary of Administrative Law Course ANU, completed 2023. Includes case summaries, course content (lectures, tutorials, readings) and personal notes. Topics include: - Introduction to administrative law - Navigating the multiple provisions of judicial review - The scope of judicial review - Judicial review remedies and the consequences of legal error - Administrative law norms and procedural law norms - procedural fairness norms - Reasoning process norms - Administrative law norms and the fact/law distinction; norms of legal reasonableness - Standing and legislative restrictions on judicial review - Legislative restrictions on judicial review continued; beyond courts and tribunals - Tribunals and merits review; beyond courts and tribunals - Freedom of Information - Exam notes
Semester 1, 2023
87 pages
164,964 words
ANU, Acton
Member since
February 2024