
Topic 1: Introduction: Scope and context of tort law – Structure of the course; interests protected; strict and fault-based liability; role of common law and statute; comparisons with no-fault schemes. Topic 2: Historical background of modern tort law: the development of the trespass actions and the action on the case. Introduction to Tort Law. Topic 3: Trespass to the person (continued): false imprisonment. Topic 4: The action on the case for wilful injury: the principle in Wilkinson v Downton. Topic 5: The statutory action for nervous shock. Topic 6: Damages for intentional torts to the person. Topic 7: Defences to intentional torts to the person. RECORDED Topic 8: Negligence: introduction Negligence: duty of care. General principles in novel cases. Topic 8 (continued) Negligence: established categories of duties of care relating to personal injury. Negligence: duties to avoid psychiatric injury. Topic 9: Breach of duty and the standard of care in negligence. Professional standards. Topic 10: Causation, scope of liability and remoteness of damage; the requirement of damage Topic 12: Compensation for personal injuries Topic 13: Vicarious liability. Non-delegable duties. Topic 14: Concurrent, joint and/or several liability for personal injury. Statutory contribution and indemnity rights between multiple concurrent tortfeasors. Tutorial Topic 15: Compensation to third parties of the injured/deceased person and survival claims by the deceased person’s estate. Employer’s action for loss of services.


Semester 2, 2023

87 pages

50,000 words



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