
Great for exam prep, includes all key information week by week and easy to follow examples! Many months spent putting these notes together that I know will definitely help you ace that exam! All topics included: - Week 1: Introduction to CMS - Week 2: Cost Behaviour, Cost Drivers and Cost Estimation - Week 3: Costing Framework and Value Chain Analysis - Week 4: Overhead Allocation (Traditional) - Week 5: Overhead Costing (Activity-Based Costing) - Week 6: Costing Systems (Job Costing) - Week 7: Costing Systems (Process Costing) - Week 8: Standard Costing & Variance Analysis - Week 9: Data Analysis and Information Reporting - Week 10: Database and ETL Process - Week 11: Business processes


Autumn session, 2023

43 pages

6,130 words



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