
Table of Contents Can you discuss the Database Development Lifecycle? What is done at each stage of Design? Difference between Data and Information The advantages and disadvantages of both Databases and File Processing Systems Given a problem, determine entities, attributes, relationships What is key constraint and participation constraint, weak entity? Determine constraints for the given entities & their relationships Translate conceptual (ER) into logical & physical design Understand integrity constraints Use DDL of SQL to create tables with constraints Need to be able to draw conceptual, logical and physical diagrams Create table SQL statements Relational Algebra Operations Different queries with Relational Algebra operations in SQL Writing SQL Describe alternative file organizations What is an index, and when do we use them Index classification The logic behind relational operators Selection and Projection Alternatives for selections and projection Alternatives for join operator implementations Query Optimization + Steps Equivalence classes Result size estimation Understand plan enumeration and cost various plans Normalisation Process Anomalies Functional dependencies Why do we need transactions? What is a transaction? ACID and properties of ACID Locking Levels Locking Types Deadlock scenario Concurrency Concurrency Issues Logging The Role of a DBA Differences between transactional and informational databases Star Schema Designing a Star Schema Defining Facts and Dimension Tables Advantages and Disadvantages of DDBMS Distribution, Partitioning and Replication Synchronous vs Asynchronous Updates The CAP Theorem What is big data/NoSQL? Key Characteristics of NoSQL Databases Types of NoSQL Databases CAP Theorem & BASE Query Processing Cost Formulae


Semester 1, 2023

113 pages

30,084 words



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