
These notes contain all examinable content from the subject, formatted as templates for possible exam questions. I have also included an index which lists all important statutory provisions and where they can be found. There are also various tables which compare certain offences and graphics which clarify how they relate. DISCLAIMER: I like to dumb things down for myself, so expect to see a lot of 'so basically'. 5A & 5B: Common & Aggravated Assaults 7A: Larceny 7B: Fraud 8A: Attempts, Joint Criminal Enterprise, and Innocent Agency 8B: Complicity, and Extended Joint Criminal Enterprise 10A Defences: Mental Health Impairment and Cognitive Impairment; Automatism 10B Defences: Self-Defence; Intoxication 11A Criminal Procedure: Police Powers; Reasonable Suspicion and Arrest 11B Criminal Procedure: Police Interrogation, Right to Silence and Searches


Autumn session, 2023

42 pages

10,423 words



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