
H1 notes for the full course 1: What is property? - Country - Land - Property - Boundaries of property and technology 2: Fundamental principles - Doctrine of tenure - Possession, seisin and title - Freehold estates - Future interests - Torrens system 3: Acquiring legal interests - Consensual Grants - Adverse Possession 4: Recognising native title - Public land - Native Title recognition 5: Equity - Formality requirements in PLA - Trusts - Specific performance - Specifically enforceable agreements (contracts in writing) - Part performance (oral contracts) - Proprietary estoppel - Mere equities 6: Leases, mortgages and future interests - Leases - Security interests – mortgages, charges, liens 7: Easements, profits and statutory interests - Options - Easements - Profits - Statutory interests 8: Conflicts btw registered & unregistered interests - Registered v Unregistered - Registered v Registered - Unregistered v Unregistered - Mere equity vs subsequent unregistered Essay ideas – native title


Semester 1, 2023

51 pages

13,061 words



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