
These are my fully comprehensive detailed notes I made for MLL323 Constitutional Law. They were highly beneficial for the online quiz, the assignment and the exam, and allowed me to score a HD for the subject. This is all I used for the exam. I have spent countless hours compiling these notes. These notes are comprehensive and integrate everything learnt in the subject, including the prescribed readings from the textbook, lecture notes, tutorial answers, case summaries, etc. I hope these notes help you smash Constitutional Law! These notes cover: 1 | AN INTRODUCTION TO AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTIONALISM 2 | THE LEGISLATURE (PARLIAMENT) 3 | LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURES 4 | THE JUDICIARY 5 | CHARACTERISATION OF THE CONSTITUTION 6 | THE EXECUTIVE 7 | FINANCIAL & ECONOMIC POWERS 8 | EXTERNAL AFFAIRS & EXTRATERRITORIALITY 9 | INCONSISTENCY 10 | RIGHTS & FREEDOMS 11 | SEPARATION OF POWERS


Trimester 1, 2023

85 pages

25,324 words



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