ACCT2331 Comprehensive Notes (week 1-12) Best for Final Exam
Subject notes for UWA ACCT2331
If you are looking for very comprehensive notes on ACCT2331 (Taxation), you have come to the right place. I have included all the formulas, theories, and practical aspects that will help you throughout the semester I used my notes and scored an HD in the end so I am sure that you can too! *I have updated the content related to the Australian tax system to the current year (2023) since there are usually changes every year, which may cause some older versions of notes from this unit to be unreliable. Topics covered: 1. Introduction to the Australian Tax Systems 2. Income Tax 3. Identification and Payment Systems 4. Residence and Source 5. Goods and Services Tax 6. Ordinary Income 7. General Deductions 8. Statutory Income 9. Exempt Income and Non-assessable Non-exempt Income 10. Specific Deductions 11. Tax Losses 12. Provisions that Deny or Limit Deductions 13. Trading Stock 14. Capital Write-offs and Allowances 15. Capital Gains Tax 16. Companies 17. Partnerships 18. Trusts 19. Income Alienation Anti-avoidance Provisions 20. Fringe Benefits Tax 21. Withholding Taxes 22. Double Taxation Agreements 23. International Taxation 24. Income Tax Returns, Assessments, Rulings, Appeals, and Audits 25. Tax Record-Keeping, Reporting, and Recovery 26. Tax Penalties and Offences 27. Tax Avoidances 28. General Anti-Avoidance Provisions
Semester 2, 2020
73 pages
20,700 words
UWA, Crawley
Member since
November 2019
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