HD (92) DATABASES NOTES (incl. notes on all prescribed textbook reading and workshop content)
Subject notes for Monash FIT2094
Comprehensive notes on all prescribed textbook readings for those who don't have time to go through the readings, accompanied by terminology definitions and workshop sample solutions where relevant. These notes allowed me to achieve a perfect score on the exam and a final grade of 93 (HD), which was also the highest grade of the 2022 Sem 2 cohort. Week 1: Database Systems - Ch 1 Week 2: Entity Relationship (ER) Modelling - Ch 4 Week 3: The Relational Database Model - Ch 3 Week 4: Normalisation - Ch 6 Week 5; Logical Design Week 6: Creating and Populating the Database (SQL) - Ch 8 Week 7: SQL Part I (Basic SQL) - Ch 7 Week 8: Update, Delete, and Transaction Management - Ch 10 Week 9: SQL Part II (Intermediate SQL) - Ch 7 Week 10: SQL Part III (Advanced SQL) - Ch 7&8 Week 11: Non-Relational Databases (Big Data and No SQL) - Ch 14
Semester 2, 2022
69 pages
26,280 words