
Excellent Exam notes and summaries prepared by a DISTINCTION student - includes both Mid-semester AND Final exam materials!!! Perfect for in-person written exam!! (very easy to follow during exams, concise summaries and scaffolds are tailored for an in-person written law exam). Super useful in the final exam!!! The only thing you need to bring into the exam! Topics 1) Introduction to private international law a) Overview & Key Concepts b) Case Studies c) Sources of Law & Doctrine of Stare Decisis 2) Personal Jurisdiction a) Common Law – Service b) Jurisdiction based on Defendant’s Submission c) Service elsewhere in Australia d) Service in New Zealand e) Service outside Australia f) Discretionary Non-exercise of Jurisdiction g) Anti-suit Injunctions 3) General Applicable Law Topics a) Terminology, Structure & Approach b) Proper Law & The Lexi Fori – Substance & Procedure 4) Foreign Law a) Introduction & Ascertainment of Foreign Law b) Exclusion of Foreign Law 5) The Law Applicable to Torts a) Historical Background b) Modern Australian Law c) Maritime & Aerial Torts 6) The Law Applicable to Contracts 7) Mandatory Rules & Forum Statutes a) Enforcement at Common Law b) Enforcement in Equity c) Statutory Registration of Foreign Judgements d) New Zealand Judgements e) International Conventions f) The Enforcement of Domestic Judgements within Australia


Semester 1, 2023

68 pages

59,000 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

February 2019