LAWS2351 Court Process, Evidence and Proof Final Exam Scaffolds
Subject notes for UNSW LAWS2351
These notes provide the crucial case and legislation references to complete the CPEP exam with step-by-step instructions for solving specific questions. They are colour coded and extract the fundamental principles in an easy-to-read style. The following topics are covered: - Accusatorial Justice & The Criminal Trial - Prosecutors, Pleadings and Proof - Relevance - Mandatory & Discretionary Exclusions - The Witness - Examination in Chief (XIC) - Cross Examination (XXN) - Re-Examination (Re-XN) - Credibility - Hearsay - Character Evidence - Tendency Evidence - Coincidence - Evidence other than Tendency or Coincidence - Opinion Evidence - Identification Evidence - Judicial Warnings - Delay & Forensic Disadvantage
Term 2, 2021
31 pages
19,000 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
March 2018