
These are the most comprehensive case summaries available. These case summaries cover all the key cases mentioned throughout the course and which you will need to cite in your exam. Organised by topic area so you can easily find what you need. Topics include: - Statutory interpretation - Doctrine of Precedent - Reception of English law - Australian constitution - NSW Constitution These notes work well if you buy them at the start of the semester and then supplement with your own learnings each week, or if you need to cram (hey life gets in the way sometimes!). Either way you will be in an excellent position with these notes!! About me: I am an excellent student. I topped the class in the assignments for this subject (exam results pending). I have received 1st Class honours in my original undergraduate degrees, have received awards in my masters and spent 10 years lecturing and tutoring at universities. I know what it takes to get good marks at university!!!


Semester 2, 2022

9 pages

3,700 words



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