
Absolutely NAIL the assignment AND exam with these notes. I purely revised these and obtained 96, so you can too! 
 Stop guessing what to study or wasting precious memory space in your hippocampus on information that won’t be assessed- these notes set out all the examinable content you need to know! ◦ All 12 weeks of content, delivered concisely and unambiguously (with visual aids). Guaranteed no gaps in your knowledge. ◦ Examined concepts are emphasised for your convenience! ◦ Invaluable reviews and tips on the assignment AND final exam after completing them 

◦ Detailed guide on how to write an H1 lab report for each section that goes beyond the vague/broad instructions given in tutes with tips based on actual assessment feedback. The assignment is marked harshly, and tutors virtually can’t help you- so no joke, this would have saved me hours! ◦ These notes are specially designed to be read/understood easily by those who haven’t even watched the lectures. Catch up on missed lectures and no need to rewatch them! 
 ◦ Fully up-to-date content, reflecting the new course design with new lectures on Auditory, Visual Systems, Attention and Visual Memory. Week 1: General Introduction to Methods & Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
 Week 2: Statistical Methods 
 Week 3: Electroencephalography (EEG) 
 Week 4: MRI & fMRI 
 Week 5: fMRI 
 Week 6: Auditory Systems Week 7: Visual Systems 
 Week 8: Attention
 Week 9: Visual Memory
 Week 10: Introduction to Neuropharmacology 
 Week 11: Dopamine & Noradrenaline 
 Week 12: Serotonin and Mood Disorders/ Other neurotransmitters


Semester 1, 2023

69 pages

23,183 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

July 2021