
RANKED FIRST IN COURSE Comprehensive full course notes (including full sections of relevant legislation and case notes) These notes also include clear and concise scaffolds/summaries used to obtain a 91 in the final exam worth 100% of the total grade. Contains all the information you need to answer a problem question & structured to guide you all the steps. Topics: - Sex Discrimination (Attributes, Direct Discrimination, Indirect - Discrimination, Prohibitions, Exceptions) - Sexual & Sex-Based Harassment (Definitions, Prohibitions) - Liability and Offences under the Sex Discrimination Act - Disability Discrimination (Attributes, Definitions of Direct and Indirect Discrimination, Prohibitions, Exceptions) - Disability Harassment - Liability and Offences under the Disability Discrimination Act - Anti-Discrimination Law Enforcement Process - Fair Work Act (Discrimination Prohibitions and Enforcement) Up to date to include Amendments to the NSW Acts passed in September 2021, in addition to recent case law developments.


Semester 2, 2021

159 pages

105,000 words



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