
1st in CLAW3201 (94) notes from Semester 2, 2022. These notes provide a detailed step-by-step guide to answering exam-style and tutorial questions (perfect for open-book exams). They contain extensive references to case law and relevant legislation which will help you achieve HDs. I used these notes to achieve 98% on the Final Exam and a mark of 94 overall. All topics covered: 1. Overview of Australian taxation system, including taxation of entities and GST 2. Residence and source principles 3. Concepts of income - income from personal services, including an overview of FBT 4. Concepts of income - income from property and business 5. Capital gains tax 1 6. Capital gains tax 2 7. General deductions 1 8. General deductions 2 9. Specific deductions 10. Tax accounting 11. Tax avoidance


Semester 2, 2022

35 pages

22,761 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

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February 2020