
These notes helped me to get 100% on the final exam and final quiz. They are comprehensive and concise notes (no copying of lecture slides here). The formatting allows the notes to be comfortably reread, ideally quite often to allow for fast information recall. Ideally you will buy these notes near the start of semester since there is high weighting on the quizzes. The notes contain all the most important parts of AVR Programming. For your C/C++ programming, practice is really the only way to learn it. Most of the concepts are taught in INFO1110 and INFO1113 and syntax can be picked up easily if you understand the concepts well. Pick your group for your assignment well, it is worth 30% of your grade. You also will be doing your labs with the group, the labs are critical in learning Arduino/C++ programming, if you don't get a concept do it in your free time otherwise you will get gaps in your knowledge. Ensure everyone does an equal amount of work, otherwise prepare to sacrifice other subjects since the project is far too much work for one person. Topic List: Week 1/2 - Boolean Logic and Circuits Week 3 - Sequential Logic Week 4 - Encoding Week 5 - Fixed-Point, Floating Point and Memory Part 1 Week 6 - Fixed-Point, Floating Point and Memory Part 2 Week 7 - Computer Architecture Part 1 Week 8 - Computer Architecture Part 2 Week 9 - AVR Assembly Programs Week 10/11/12 - Subroutines and Control Flow


Semester 2, 2022

18 pages

5,048 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

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July 2020