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These notes include comprehensive original guidance regarding all the content covered in Japanese 3 (Genki 2, chapters 13 to 18) over the full semester. The topics covered are as follows (note that this is a brief overview, please see the preview document for an idea of how detailed I explain each point): CH13: 1. Potential Verbs, 2.~し(Listing multiple reasons, 3.~そうです(’It looks like’), 4.~てみる (trying something), 5.~なら (contrasting possibilities and expressing limitations), 6.(Period)に(Frequency). CH14: 1.X が欲しい (want X), 2.~かもしれません (expressing possibilities), 3.あげる・くれる・もらう (giving and receiving verbs), 4.~たらどうですか (conveying recommendations/providing words of advice), 5.Number+も・Number+しか+Negative (as many as, a little as). CH15: 1. Volitional Verb Form, 2. Volitional Form +~と思っています (have been thinking of doing something), 3.~ておく (to do something in preparation), 4.Using sentences to qualify nouns, 5.見える・見られる (distinction between visible and able to be seen). CH16: 1.~てあげる・~てくれる・~てもらう (giving and receiving of acts/services), 2.3 new ways of making requests, in varying degrees of politeness (, ~ていただけませんか to ~てくれない), 3.~といい (hoping something nice happens), 4.~時 (grammatically nuanced way of describing when something happens), 5.~てすみませんでした (apologising for something in particular). CH17: 1.~そうです(I hear), 2.~って (informal/spoken form of the quoting particle ~と), 3.~たら (conditional 'if' dependence marker), 4.~なくてもいいです (you don't need to do X), 5.~みたいです (X looks/seems like), 6.~前に・~てから (describing events before or after something else takes place). CH18: 1. Transitivity Pairs, 2.Paired Intransitive Verbs + ~ている, 3.~てしまう, 4.~と (whenever something happens, something else always happens in turn), ~と vs ~なら and ~たら, 5.~ながら (doing two things at the same time), 6.~ばよかったです (wish X had/hadn't done something). For each chapter, I’ve gone into considerable detail concerning each grammar point (including many examples!), both for the purposes of Japanese 3, but also often adding in extra points if you wish to extend yourself. Finally, I end with some handy exam tips! I've also tried to be as personable as possible, and have tried to make the document engaging (you'll love all my colourful highlighting 😄) and relatable in the hope that you won't get bored reading it! As someone who enjoyed the subject thoroughly and spent a lot of time crafting these notes, I hope they help you stay engaged throughout the semester and give you the tips you need to snag that H1!


Semester 1, 2022

37 pages

11,775 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

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April 2021