
Up to date notes for Exam (Semester 2, 2022) Topics include: 1. Termination by Agreement 2. Termination for Breach 3. Termination for Repudiation 4. Termination for Delay 5. International Contract Law: Termination for Breach 6. Consequences of Affirmation or Termination 7. Restrictions on the Right to Terminate 8. Damages 9. Liquidated Damages and Penalties 10. Specific Performance and Injunctions 11. Actions for Debt 12. Restitution 13. Frustration 14. Common Law Vitiating Factors 15. Rescission 16. Misleading or Deceptive Conduct 17. Unconscionable Conduct under Statute 18. Remedies Under Statute


Semester 2, 2022

61 pages

29,639 words



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