
Hi!! Thank you for checking out my notes! This unit was extremely interesting and my notes reflect that. I've condensed the information into a simple format with pictures - making it easy to study for assignments and exams. I've also taken the time to write down extra notes that helped me remember content. I received a high distinction for this unit. The table of contents is as follows: Week 1: Intro to Crime Week 2: Doing Criminology Week 3: Crime and the Media Week 5: Criminology Theory I Week 6: Criminology Theory II - Radical Criminology - Critical Criminology - Cultural Criminology Week 7: Prison Inequality Week 8: Difference and Deviance Week 9: Deviance, Drugs and Alcohol Week 10: Masculinity, Violence and Street Crime Week 11: Crimes of the Powerful Week 12: Green/Environmental Crime Week 13: Crimmigation and the New Criminals


Semester 1, 2022

39 pages

12,289 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

January 2020