
Thanks for checking out my notes. I received a grade of 96 for this unit and received an academic excellence award. I have a WAM of 90 overall. These notes include all important pieces of course content that I completed, including readings and tutorials. I hope you find my notes helpful and best of luck in this unit! Contents: Week 1 - Introduction Lecture Readings Tutorial Week 2 - Dyslexia Readings Lecture Tutorial Week 3 - Aphasia Lecture Tutorial Week 4 – Specific Language Impairment Lecture Tutorial Week 5 – Agnosia Reading Lecture Tutorial Week 6 - Amnesia Lecture Tutorial Week 7 – Learning Lecture Tutorial Week 8 – Disorders of the Self Readings Lecture Tutorial Week 9 – Delusions Readings Lecture Week 10 – Delusion and Hypnosis Reading Lecture Week 11 – Schizophrenia Lecture Tutorial Week 12 – Synaesthesia Lecture Week 13 – Exam Revision Tutorial


Semester 2, 2021

38 pages

10,332 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

February 2019