LAWS5012 Real Property Distinction Detailed Class Note with Mindmap
Subject notes for USYD LAWS5012
This is a comprehensive class note with detailed explanation to the cases and clear mindmaps and scaffolds at the end of the important modules which will help you easily locate the authority in the exam. The key points and the take-aways are all highlighted and marked in red, making the notes colourful and readable. This notes includes the following modules: 1. Introduction and history 2. Indefeasibility 3. Exceptions to indefeasibility 4. Exceptions to indefeasibility and assurance fund 5. Priorities 6. Co-ownership 7. Lease 8. Easement 9. Covenants 10. Mortgage
Semester 2, 2021
98 pages
32,757 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
November 2021
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