
The most comprehensive, in-depth HD notes with all materials based on lectures, tutorials, external readings, and textbook chapters for the 2022 Semester 1 New Syllabus for INFS3110. I condensed all content available in INFS3110 into these 46 pages of my very own high caliber notes. The resulting effect allowed me and other users to be top performers in 2021 semester 1. I placed second overall in the whole level in 2021 and my friend who use the same notes in 2022 Sem 1 placed first in the whole level, and I solely attribute it to these notes. These are the very same notes I used in my final exams, and I did not refer to anything else once I made these notes. If you do the same, there is no doubt in my mind you will smash through this subject and get a HD just as I did. I watched every single lecture, tutorial and did all the external readings and textbook readings and condensed all the relevant examinable content into these notes. If you are a visual learner, I have additionally included several diagrams to help simplify complex theories. Also, do not bother buying the textbook for this course as I have sourced all the relevant information from the textbooks and incorporated into my notes. Good luck and I have full confidence in you, that if you use my notes HD is highly possible 😊. I have poured a lot of time and effort into these notes, and I am happy to share it with you all so that you can destroy this subject (in terms of your grades) just as I did! The contents of the notes from INFS3110 syllabus are as follows W1: Introduction W2: Business Processes – Supporting Financial Accounting W3: Business Processes – Designing and Modelling W4: Enterprise Systems Part 1 W5: Enterprise Systems Part 2- General Ledger & Financial Reporting W6: Cloud Environments & Accounting Implications W7: Business Intelligence, Shadow Data, Blockchain & Data Visualization W8: Business Intelligence, Master Data Management, Big Data & Integrated Reporting W9: Managing Enterprise Risk in the Digital Age – Final Week of Content *W10-W12: [Presentation Weeks for Group Assignments] – No New Content


Semester 1, 2022

46 pages

4,209 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

February 2019