
PHY3102: Nutrition, Metabolism and Body Weight 1. THEME 1: NUTRIENTS AND NEUROENDOCRINE CONTROL OF APPETITE i. Lecture 1: Nutrient Assimilation: Absorptive states and satiety ii. Lecture 2: Nutrient Assimilation: Post-absorptive states, fasting and chronic iii. Lecture 3: Appetite and detection of gut nutrient loads iv. Lecture 4: Revision lecture: Nutrients and neuroendocrine control of food intake v. Lecture 5: The brain and appetite- homeostatic pathways 2. THEME 2 – ENERGY BALANCE AND BODY WEIGHT DISRUPTION i. Lecture 6: The brain and appetite- reward pathways ii. Lecture 7: Energy Expenditure 1- Exercise ii. Lecture 8: Energy Expenditure 2- Non-Exercise Components iii. Lecture 9: Gender, steroids and stress- Impact on weight regulation iv. Lecture 10: Genetic and epigenetic control of body weight v. Lecture 11: Growth factors and control of body weight 3. THEME 3 – METABOLIC DISEASE AND CONSEQUENCES OF OBESITY i. Lecture 12: Disorders of negative energy balance ii. Lecture 13: Obesity and cardiovascular disease iii. Lecture 14: Adipose tissue signalling in obesity: role of adipokines, gut microbiota and iv. Lecture 15: Diabetes v. Lecture 16: Diabetes 2 vi. Lecture 17: Sleep disorders, sleep loss and obesity 4. THEME 4 – OBESITY AND WEIGHT LOSS i. Lecture 18: Obesity and Cancer ii. Lecture 19: Obesity, PCOS and reproductive disorders iii. Lecture 20: Dietary myths- how effective of different diets? iv. Lecture 21: Weight loss: how do we overcome homeostasis (Part I) v. WEEK 12: vi. Lecture 22: Weight loss: how do we overcome homeostasis (Part II) Detailed and comprehensive notes from all the lectures along with some lab notes. All the information needed for the exams and assessment is within this document. This unit has so much content and having all the content written in notes saves so much time to focus on the concepts. I was able to get a HD for this unit with them.


Semester 2, 2021

116 pages

24,977 words



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Monash, Clayton

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February 2018